Directions: for each psychologist, state the school of thought each are associated with and what they are known for.

1.     Aaron Beck



 Associated with cognitive therapy. Known for his theories in the treatment of clinical depression and creation of self-report measures of depression and anxiety.

2.     Abraham Maslow


Associated with the humanistic view of psychology. Known for his “hierarchy of needs.”

3.     Albert Bandura


 Associated with social cognitive perspective of psychology. Known for reciprocal determinism, his explanation of how environment, personal characteristics, and behavior interact to determine future behavior.

4.     Albert Ellis




Associated with the cognitive school of psychology. He is best known for being considered the founder of cognitive-behavioral therapies.

5.     Alfred Adler



Associated with psychoanalysis school of psychology. Known for his emphasis on the inferiority complex and his idea of “Individual Psychology.”

6.     Alfred Binet




Known for the development of the first practical intelligence test, the Binet-Simon scale. Later adapted by Stanford as the Stanford-Binet test.

7.     Anna Freud



Associated with psychoanalysis. Known for her work on the nature of the ego.

8.     Anna O.



Associated with psychoanalysis. Patient of Josef Breur and associated with “talking cure.”

9.     Benjamin Whorf


Associated with cognitive school of psychology. Known for his hypothesis that language determines the way we think.

10.  B. F. Skinner




Associated with behavioral psychology. Known for his Skinner Box and study of the ability to manipulate the consequences of an organism’s behavior to witness subsequent behavior.

11.  Carl Jung


Associated with psychoanalysis. Known for his work with archetypes and collective unconscious.

12.  Carl Rogers




Associated with humanistic school of psychology. Known for his work with unconditional positive regard and the idea of a fully functioning person.

13.  Carol Gilligan




Associated with cognitive school of psychology. Known for work about how girls focus more on relationships than laws and principles.

14.  Charles Darwin




Known for his work with natural selection and evolution.

15.  Charles Spearman


Known for his work with general ability.

16.  Clark Hull




Associated with motivation and known for his work in drive theory

17.  Daniel Goleman



Associated with intelligence and known for his work with emotional intelligence.

18.  Darley and Latane



Associated with cognitive psychology and known for their work with the bystander effect.

19.  David McClelland



Associated with intelligence and known for devising a way to measure Murray’s theory.

20.  David Rosenhan




Associated with social-cognitive view of psychology and known for Rosenhan experiment.

21.  David Weschler




Associated with intelligence and known for creating an intelligence test for adults (WAIS).

22.  Hermann Ebbinghaus




Associated with memory and known for study with forgetting and how one forgets quickly and then gradually forgets more.

23.  Edward Thorndike




Associated with behaviorism and known for study with relationship between behavior and consequence.

24.  Ekman and Friesen



Associated with social cognitive psychology and known for finding that facial expressions are universal.

25.  Elizabeth Kubler-Ross





Associated with developmental psychology and known for the five stages the terminally ill go through when facing death.

26.  Elizabeth Loftus



Associated with memory and known for working with the misinformation effect.

27.  Erik Erikson



 Associated with humanistic school of psychology and known for 8-stage theory of how people evolve through their life span.

28.  Ernst Weber


Known for work about just noticeable difference, which would later be Weber’s law.

29.  Francis Galton



Associated with experimental psychology and known for how personality depends on genetics.