1. Difference between affirmative and negative-The affirmative agrees with the resolution and is arguing for it. The negative wants to change the resolution or go against it.
2. How to ask good questions during cross examination-Ask simple questions, yes or no questions, questions you know the answers to since you’ve studied the opposition, questions that have answers that can help you in the future, questions of worth, and ask questions fairly and honestly.
3. Purpose of a rebuttal-The rebuttal is the final word for both sides. It rebuilds the argument and allows each side to add their final points to convince the audience while drawing the final conclusion.
4. Be able to identify weaknesses in a resolution and arguments given-In order to do this, look for facts that seem far-fetched. Make sure your opponent’s sources are credible, and have been confirmed multiple times. Be aware of any generalizations or other fallacies your opponent might use, and make sure your opponent thoroughly covers each aspect of their argument while also addressing both positives and negatives of their side.