Latin Roots Lesson 5 Assignment
1. Aur-ear
a. When the child continued to clutch his ear, the doctor suggested that the child’s infection might be an aural problem.
b. As the angel slowly drifted down, the viewers were blinded by the angel’s shining bright aureole.
2. Ocul-eye
a. After my appointment with the oculist, I walked out with new pair of glasses with better prescription
b. As the oculist viewed the patient’s image of their eye, he quickly pointed out the scar on the retina so that the patient could get it fixed to prevent ocular defects.
3. Vid, vis-see
a. As soon as the chameleon sensed a predator, it quickly changed colors to blend in with its environment, almost becoming invisible.
b. Because the student was not an auditory learner, the teacher made a PowerPoint presentation as a visual aid.
4. Divid, divis-separate
a. After the football team’s fight, they reunited and swore to be indivisible.
b. Although the boys had been friends since they were in preschool, they decided to divide up and go their separate ways.
5. Spec, spic, spect-look at; examine
a. Though the test was hard, I expect to get a good grade because of the amount of time I spent studying.
b. As soon as the alarm went off, the police rushed over to inspect the house to make sure everything was all right.
6. Aud, audit-hear
a. Before the volume was raised, the music was not audible.
b. When the teacher showed the class a visual representation of photosynthesis, all the auditory learners had trouble focusing on the concept.
7. Gust-taste
a. As soon as the mushroom cheese soup was brought out, Tommy wrinkled his nose in disgust.
8. Ger, gest-bear, carry
a. Since Sally was quite fond of her daily coffee, she found it hard to limit her amount of caffeine during her gestation period.
b. Since Jonathan had gone on his diet, he was not allowed to ingest too much sugar.
9. Palp-feel, touch
a. Because the wood had been smoothed out to a fine grain, the powder was almost impalpable.
b. As soon as I told my mother I felt sick, she began to palpate my thyroid and forehead.
c. When I heard creaking outside my door, my heart began to palpitate.
10. Tang, ting, tag, tig, tact-touch
a. After Tim screamed at Tom, the silence that followed was almost tangible.
b. Before the crew completed the robot, numerous tests for tactile response were performed.
11. Tac, tic-silent
a. When the argument was finished, Tom’s sudden silence easily hinted his tactile agreement.
b. As long as his friends kept fighting, Michael was gloomy and taciturn.
12. Teg, tect-cover
a. When the kid finished his first Batman comic, he finally decided who his favorite detective was.
b. Whenever a human being got close to the cubs, the mother bear would become over protective of her children.
13. Aur-gold
a. After Sara stepped through the doors of the jewelry store, the blinding aureate jewelry greeted her.
b. When Mark stomped into the room, everyone could sense his unfriendly aura.
14. Argent-silver
a. While Sara walked into a jewelry store with gold, Lisa searched for an argent necklace.
15. Ferr-iron
a. As I lifted the rock, its magnetic attraction led me to believe it was ferriferous.
16. Plumb-lead
a. As the plumber showed me around the plumbery, I realized this was not the job for me.
17. Fer, ferrous-bear, carry, produce
a. When I realized my computer was going to die, I quickly decided to transfer my files to a different hard drive.