Here is a list of transition words to help connect ideas when writing
We recommend using at least two transition words/phrases per paragraph (for 4th/5th graders)
Before, after, finally, then, next, until, when, often, first, yesterday, at night, because, as a result, so that, therefore, when, if...then, around, down, here, there, beside, inside, outside, over, under, but, however, although, in contrast, similarly, also, too, another, in addition, another point, to the right, more important, on the other hand, soon after, a consequence of, as well as, both, likewise, instead, unlike, in fact, in one case, due to, because of, of course, even if, for that reason, most important, my second reason, the third place, last of all, in conclusion, above all, in the first place, thus, better, best, for example, to begin with, the most important reason, besides, another reason, for that reason