Voter’s turnout can be heavily based on education. Many voters, for example, may feel they are not educated enough in politics or maybe even in general to be voting. Their internal efficacy could be diminished. Part of that, in fact, could be based on age or grade level. If one feels that being a freshman in college is not time for them to vote because of lack of maturity or education, they may not vote. Table 1 shows that 98% of people with a college degree took an interest in a campaign and 85% of that same group voted in election. What this shows, in short, is that people in higher-grade levels take a greater interest in not just voting, but politics in general. Other people without a high education may just not understand the basic differences in the candidate’s views and other political ideologies.
While age is probably the most common demographic, gender is also equally important. Gender has only played a hugged role in voting since the mid 1900’s. This was when women were given the right to vote. The addition of women to the voting system changed the beliefs of the voting population. Women may believe more in equal opportunity for everyone and government welfare programs. Along with gender, race has an important part in voting and politics in general. Different ethnic groups have different beliefs, but the race with the most majority has the biggest say. Whites have voted the most during elections, but other races are coming up. The African-American vote has started increasing as well as the Hispanic vote. Foreigners who are now second generation living in America are starting to take more and more interest in politics.
As voting participation decreased, it became essential to encourage Americans to participate in voting. One way the government tried to increase Americans to vote was by passing the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 or the “Motor Voter” law. The main purpose of this act was to make it easier for voters to register for voting. This law requires states to register citizens when they apply for, renew or change the address on their driver’s license card. This way, they no longer have to hunt for a suitable location for registering plus it saves them time. Additionally, citizens can now register by mail as well. The “Motor Voter” law made it convenient for American citizens to register to vote.
Table 1 is proof that most Americans take interest in a campaign, even if they do not vote. The percentages in this row are significantly higher than any of the other rows. Aside from general interest, voting is the most common form of political participation from citizens. Voting is probably the easiest way to actively show support for a political party. This is because the citizens can decide whom they appreciate and whom they do not. Yet, American participation in voting is still decreasing even though they have the free will to choose someone they wish to hold that position. Lastly, the least common but probably one of the most effective ways to participate in politics is to contribute money to a campaign. This truly shows support for their political party. Campaign along with voting is the easiest and most common way Americans participate in the political system.